Happy New Year! We finally got some snow. I am so thankful for a neighbor that shoveled my driveway for the last two snowfalls. Since snow has been on my brain, I played a bit in Electric Quilt to design a new snowflake table runner. Here is the table runner and the main block. This weeks video is the first part of creating this project using Electric Quilt. I've included a close-up of the snowflake block, as I think it is usually easiest to draft a block by tracing it. You have my permission to save a copy of this block to your computer for your personal use. The Electric Quilt video tutorial will include (1) importing a block for tracing; (2) set up and use of Easy Draw for drafting the block and (3) Finding and Adding Additional Fabrics using the "Find by Color" method in the Fabric library. Click here for a copy of the Electric Quilt Rotary Cutting Instructions. Notes if using Specialty Rulers:
Click here for a copy of the Electric Quilt Foundation pattern. Happy Quilting Kari Introduction to Electric Quilt Online Class Starting January 26thOne item I keep hearing from readers is the challenge in finding hands on Electric Quilt classes. Search no more! I am now offering an online version of my Introduction to EQ class. This online class will cover basic navigation of the software, creating a new project, using the libraries, using Quick Quilts for fast projects, adding borders, coloring tools/fabrics, creating quilt labels and printing quilts, blocks, fabric yardage estimates, rotary cutting and foundation patterns. By the end of the two sessions you will be comfortable working with the program and be able to explore additional features on your own. Users of all levels are welcome, with special emphasis on beginners. Dates: January 26 and February 2nd. 6:30 - 9:00 pm (Central time) Class size will be limited to 10 participants. We will use screen sharing technology -- so you will be able to see my screen and if you have specific questions, I will also be able to view yours as well. Click here to register. (Suggestion: There will be a coupon that can be applied toward this class in my weekly newsletter. Sign up now to obtain the code.) EQ Coaching Program
Toni Leggate
1/2/2016 11:53:38 am
I would love to sign up for the Online Class but being in the UK means it would start at midnight and finish at 3 am! Far too late a night for my brain to concentrate, especially as the grandchildren will get me up at 6 am as per their normal routine! Such a shame...
1/2/2016 12:27:05 pm
Your video instructions for the snowflake in EQ is outstanding! I've had EQ for a few years and never realized how easy it would be to trace a pattern. You've saved me HOURS of grief and aggravation trying to freehand draw it. Thank you so much!
1/8/2016 06:46:01 am
Great tutorial and a very nice block, thank you very much. Unfortuntely like a previous commenter I am also in the UK.
1/9/2016 11:34:53 am
Lou and Toni -- I appreciate the feedback. I will try to schedule the next session at a time which is more UK friendly.
1/11/2016 04:24:18 pm
Well I'm not in the UK so it isn't time difference...it is the cost of the internet for me. Apparently living in the rural areas mean that you get soaked for internet. I'd buy a disc (dependant on price) though.
Karin Thomsen
1/18/2016 11:37:42 am
Thanks for a great tutorial on tracing.
1/18/2016 12:17:27 pm
This is so helpful. Thank you. Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
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