If you have been thinking that 2021 is your year for mastering Electric Quilt 8, now is the time to subscribe to the TKQ Wait List. There just may be an opportunity to lock in at 2020 prices before the end of the year. But you must be on the wait list to hear more.
Christmas Quilts
I've always loved making Christmas quilts over the years -- sometimes from purchased patterns and sometimes my own designs. Here is my collection of quilts (photographed in 2005).
Sharing Student Successes
In a year filled with a lot of challenges for all of us, I love celebrating the successes of people in my classes. Seeing their drafted quilts just makes me feel happy. Enjoy the virtual show.
Tech Know Quilters Masters Challenge
Who has a roll of jelly rolls strips and are struggling with what to do with them? Jelly roll strips are 2-1/2" x width of fabric. So if you don't have them, they are super easy to make from your own fabric stash.
TKQ Masters members were challenged to design a quilt that would would be 2-1/2" strip friendly. Here are their quilts. November Tech Know Quilter Show
Tech Know Quilters is a membership of Electric Quilt 8 owners who are mastering Electric Quilt through online training. At the end of their November class, they were encouraged to apply what they learned during the month of November.
Tech Know Quilters is open to new members only a few times a year. You can sign up for the wait list here and we will notify you of the next open enrollment period (which just may happen next Monday). I love having people at different stages of the EQ journey submitting designs. I am so proud of this group of quilt designers. Foundation Friendly Christmas Mystery Quilts
1,300 EQ users joined the free two week challenge to draft a foundation friendly Christmas project. Here are some of the quilts from participants in the challenge.
A few started to play with the blocks before the reveal and came up with some amazing designs.
A few even got started (and finished) piecing their quilts.
The videos from the Mystery will be available for viewing through the end of December.
If you have been thinking that 2021 is your year for mastering Electric Quilt 8, now is the time to subscribe to the TKQ Wait List. There just may be an opportunity to lock in at 2020 prices before the end of the year. But you must be on the wait list to hear more.
Foundation Friendly Christmas Wrap Up
Here are a few designs from the mystery that were shared on social media this week. You can check out more of their designs in the Learning EQ Facebook group.
A Time for Joy Quilt
I searched the alphabet blocks and found a couple that I thought might work.
After some playing, I realized I couldn't nicely just add the candy cane stripes. So I decided to just start from scratch and create the "O" and "Y" blocks in EasyDraw.
My video tutorial this week will share with you how to draw these candy cane blocks for yourself.
This quilt was colored using the Henry Glass Believe fabric collection.
Would you like to piece this quilt. Click on each image to obtain a download of the foundation pattern printed from EQ8 (9 inch finished size)
Have you joined the Free EQ8 Christmas Mystery? We are three videos into the mystery and there are some awesome blocks being created by participants. More on that below.
As subscribers to the mystery draft their own blocks they are commenting that "it is beginning to get easier" and "having fun and becoming more confident each day".
Would you like to have fun and become more confident in using EQ8?
Since I am focused on helping readers creating foundation friendly blocks, I thought I would share a bonus design. Although not part of the Foundation Friendly Christmas Mystery, this is a great block to hone your foundation piecing drafting skills -- with a little bit of applique to enhance your snowman. The design would make an super cute stand-alone wall quilt.
Foundation Friendly Christmas Mystery Update
We are three videos into the Foundation Friendly Christmas Mystery and I've enjoyed seeing some of the early blocks. Here are a few that were shared on social media. You can check out more of their designs in the Learning EQ Facebook group.
A few even sewed up their blocks.
Sharon Osborne changed the size of her angel to 3" x 5", paper pieced it and inserted it in a photo card. This would make a wonderful Christmas card.
Merle Rawson turn her Noel design into a square block and used freezer paper to paper piece her block.
After joining you will receive an email to super-size your experience with the VIP experience. One of the benefits of the VIP experience is full foundation patterns (including cutting charts) for each of the foundation blocks.
My early Christmas gift to you is a free Mystery project. I will be sharing how to draft six newly designed foundation friendly blocks that would be suitable for a Christmas themed quilt. You will be the first to see these new designs.
The quilt will finish 17 x 11 -- suitable for framing and small enough to finish in time for Christmas this year. I am hoping to make two of them. With EQ there are plenty of options to make a larger quilter -- so don't feel constrained by my quilt size. This free challenge is designed for both beginners to Electric Quilt 8 and those that would like to expand their bock drawing skills to a whole new level. My goal is to encourage you to spend a small amount of time using Electric Quilt each day to allow you to become much more comfortable with the software. Although the mystery is FREE, you must sign up to receive the video tutorials. The mystery will start on Monday, December 7th. You can read more about the mystery here. Videos to Set Yourself Up for Success during the Upcoming Mystery
The getting started videos are available to all -- regardless of whether you choose to join the mystery.
I've put together three short videos to give you a head start for the mystery:
Video 1: Setting Up Your Project File and Adding Fabrics
In this tutorial, I will share with you how to set up your project for the Foundation Friendly Christmas Mystery. You will also learn how to add fabrics from the library and select a fabric collection from the Moda website and import it into Electric Quilt. Option 1: Rustic Christmas
Option 2: Marches de Noel
Video 2: Import a Picture for Tracing Plus Practice Snowflake Block
Video 3: Exporting an EQ Block Image to Facebook
When exporting a block you wish to share on Social Media, the process can be different than sharing a quilt. In this tutorial, learn how to export an image of a block and then add it to a Facebook post.
Here is the link the the Learning EQ Facebook post that is referenced in the videos.
If you haven't enrolled in the challenge, now is the time. I look forward to working with you to become more comfortable in drafting your own foundation friendly blocks. The first block will be sent out December 7th (that is Monday) at 8 am.
I've been asked by those that are in one of my classes or receive my weekly newsletter if they are automatically enrolled in the challenge. The answer is NO. So please sign up using the link if you would like to participate in the challenge.
For those currently in the Tech Know Quilter group, check your emails for your special bonus option for the challenge. |
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024