Just a short note to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. I thought I would replay my Christmas quilt video from last year. Enjoy -- and look forward to more videos and tutorials in 2016.
Kari Last week I shared an antique crazy quilt and shared a video tutorial on adding designer fabrics to the sketchbook and drafting a crazy quilt block using Electric Quilt. This week I will focus on creating and adding the "circles", "half circles" and "quarter circles" to the block intersections. These blocks were created using Patch Draw. Once creating the large block, the others were drafted through editing the initial block. Enjoy the new video tutorial. Featured Product - EQ Coaching Program
Personal Update: Thanks so much for the well wishes regarding my open heart surgery. The surgery was a bit more involved than I originally thought. In addition to replacing the heart valve, they also repaired an aneurysm and two days later inserted a pacemaker. I am happy to report that I am on the mend I started cardiac rehab and am excited to report that I was able to do 3.6 mph on the treadmill on Friday. So my heart appears to be doing fine. I am just waiting for the breastbone to heal. I am also still struggling a bit with my energy level -- so have been slowly getting back to my quilting business. Antique Crazy Quilt - an Electric Quilt TutorialI saw a photo of this quilt in the latest issue of Quilt Mania. The quilt intrigued me, so I was able to do a little more research about it online. I loved the superimposed circles on the background of a crazy quilt, which provides some semblance of order. The quilt was made of wools with a cotton backing. A note sewn to the quilt says "Mrs. C.H. Boyer from Aunt Hannah Walters". The quilt is from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, circa 1890. It measures 78" square. It appears to be either Mennonite or Amish in origin. For my next two Electric Quilt video tutorials, I thought I would share with you how I recreated the quilt. This week I will cover the setting and the crazy quilt blocks. I will also share with you how I imported a fabric collection from Moda. Here is the link to the Moda fabric swatch collections. You may want to copy and save this one in your bookmark favorites, as this was a bit tricky to locate: http://storefront.unitednotions.com/storefrontCommerce/redirect.do?page=zDownloads Next week I will share adding the circles. Featured Product - EQ Coaching Program
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024