Have you received offers to join Tech Know Quilters -- but were hesitating as you weren't sure what you would learn each month? Tech Know Quilters is a training program that teaches you how to master Electric Quilt 8 -- from the comfort of your home.
Here is an opportunity to see the exact blocks and quilts you will draft during your second month of training.
During Month 2 of Tech Know Quilters, you are given a choice between two different drawing classes. The choice is up to you. If you are not currently in Tech Know Quilters, sign up for the wait list to receive emails during the next open enrollment period.
One of the things we all want to be able to do is either draw our own blocks or recreate blocks from patterns we own. Using Electric Quilt 8 allows us to audition fabrics or even swap out one piecing technique with another. EasyDraw is the most useful set of drawing tools in Electric Quilt, as most quilt blocks are designed based on square grids. It also is the method that is closest to working with pencil and graph paper. Option 1 Introduction to EasyDraw
Many of the blocks and concepts in this option were covered in my EQ8 Drawing Blocks book. So if you did the exercises in that book, you may be better suited for Option 2.
In the reveal video, check out the agenda for the Introduction to EasyDraw class along with the blocks and quilts you will be designing.
If you prefer to get started now, this class may be purchased ahead of joining Tech Know Quilters.
Option 2: EasyDraw Kaleidoscopes
I've talked to a number of you who are fairly proficient in EasyDraw. Quite a few participated in my Easy Peasy EasyDraw class back in the EQ7 days and drew some amazing blocks and quilts as part of the class. While the look and feel of EQ8 is very different than EQ7, the Easy Draw tools are actually very much the same. They are just residing in some different places in the new program.
So for those of you who are Intermediate EasyDraw block drafters, I wanted to create a more advanced class that focused on EasyDraw Kaleidoscopes.
In the reveal video, check out the agenda for the EasyDraw Kaleidoscopes class along with the blocks and quilts you will be designing.
If you are on the fence between Introduction to EasyDraw and EasyDraw Kaleidoscopes, go back through the first video and see how many of those blocks you can draw on your own (with no guidance from me). If that was doable -- then you are definitely ready for EasyDraw Kaleidoscopes.
For those currently enrolled in Tech Know Quilters, you also have the option of taking both classes. If you wish to do that, make sure to send us a note so you can receive a discount coupon for the second class. Tech Know Quilters March Showcase
Tech Know Quilter members shared how they applied the concepts from their March 2021 class.
Tech Know Quilters is a membership of Electric Quilt 8 owners who are mastering Electric Quilt through online training. At the end of their March class, they were encouraged to apply what they learned during the month of March. Tech Know Quilters is open to new members only a few times a year. You can learn more and sign up for the wait list for the next open enrollment period here. I love having people at different stages of the EQ journey submitting designs. I am so proud of this group of quilt designers. Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024