This quilt is part of a current exhibit at the International Quilt Center Study Museum. I would love to see this quilt in person.
On their website they note that the label says: Given To: Carrie L. Hatch, By Granmother Hurlbert in 1871. The quilt is dated about 1820-1840. It was possibly made in Montgomery County, PA and is part of the Ardis and Robert James Collection at the museum. How would you redraft this antique quilt?
Here are the questions I like to start with when redrafting any quilt. Take this short quiz and see how your answers compare to mine.
Just because your answers were different then mine, doesn't mean your answers were wrong. There are often more than one way to recreate a quilt.
Would you like to try to draft this quilt for yourself? Here are the blocks I identified. Next week I will provide additional information on drafting these blocks along with the layout that I used?
For those in the Easy Peasy Easy Draw class, see if you can use the techniques from the class for drafting them. The tricky part is making the lattice match between the blocks. Ready to Devote 10 Minutes a Day to Learn Electric Quilt?
Catch the Waves Free Challenge for Electric Quilt Newbies
In talking to people in my classes and online, one thing I hear is "I haven't really learned how to use my EQ software". Or a variation on the theme -- "I haven't used my software in (insert number) of months (or even years)". or -- "I've tried the software, but it wasn't intuitive".
Join the over 2000 people who accepted and completed this challenge allowing them to fall in love with the program. 14 separate videos will be emailed to you over two weeks. Price: Free
Easy Peasy Easy Draw - Learn Easy Draw in 10 Minutes a Day
Would you like to draft your own quilt blocks? This class will focus on how to “read a block” and then come up with the most efficient way to draft it with Electric Quilt. The blocks in this class are those that can be done in a “grid” format – basically just like drawing with a pencil and graph paper. Within Electric Quilt these blocks are drafted within Easy Draw. Learn more here.
30 separate video lessons (including instructions for over 50 blocks) will be e-mailed to you over six weeks (one lesson a day, Monday-Friday) Price: On sale for $50 (That's only $1.67 a lesson!) Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024