Have you gone through the trouble of coloring a block. And then found that when you put it in an On Point layout, the fabric is not positioned correctly. This could also happen if you color the quilt directly in the on point layout.
Electric Quilt positions the fabric so it looks rotated in the on point blocks. Since most of us prefer piecing blocks so the outside edges do not have bias, the EQ coloration does not match our planned piecing of the blocks. Check out these before and after photos. In particular look at the placement of fabrics in the quarter-square triangle units.
FYI -- I also swapped out a couple of fabrics in the final block.
In the video tutorial, I will take you through my tricks for correcting the fabric placement. I will even walk through the process of creating perfect fabric placement for mitered borders. It is much easier to do this in EQ than to actually piece those mitered corners (in my opinion). :)
Fabric Used in the Quilt
Each month Electric Quilt provides us with a free fabric collection. In November of 2022, the collection was Stars and Stripes 10th Anniversary. The collection was designed by Linda Ludovico and Deborah Edwards and was manufactured by Northcott.
You can still download this free collection of fabric images from the Do You EQ website. It contains a number of striped fabrics, which are perfect for use in the quilt in the video.
For those doing a bit of shopping this weekend, there is a 25% off sale on all products (other than classes) on the EQ website. A perfect time to buy Electric Quilt 8 -- or one of their many downloads. I will be purchasing the EQ Stash - Download 01 for 2023.
Click on the above image to be taken to their site. If you use this link I will receive a small commission on the sale. My commission does not affect your price in any way. Make sure to use the coupon code BIGSALE.
Here is my final quilt from the video.
Rotary Cutting for On Point Blocks
The Rotary Cutting Chart (while accurate), can sometimes be confusing for on point blocks in EQ.
Select Print and Export, and select the Ohio Star block from the quilt and select Rotary Cutting. Note that EQ does give you the rotary cutting assuming you plan to piece the block in a traditional manner. However it will show the size of block as 16.97" x 16.97" -- which is the size from corner to corner (not the size of the edge of the block).
As an alternative, in the dialogue box for Rotary Cutting, you can select the option to change from "Use size from quilt" to "Custom block size" and set the finished block size (without seam allowances) to 12 x 12. As you can see the rotary cutting chart gives the exact same measurements as the first rotary cutting chart -- the only change being the block size.
Now It Is Your Turn
Experiment with using striped fabrics in an on point layout -- either the free fabric images I used from the Do You EQ website, or another collection. I would love to see your quilts. Feel free to post pictures in the Learning EQ Facebook group. I have set up a dedicated post for these images.
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Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024