My mother (who is in Assisted Living) received her second vaccine a little over two weeks ago. I decided to surprise her by taking her out for a late birthday meal. It will be her first time in over a year that she has been able to leave her Assisted Living Center. Unless you count the trip by ambulance to the ER after a fall. So instead of working on an Electric Quilt tutorial for this blog post I will be driving to North Dakota today for a short trip. I already have an idea for next week that I think you will enjoy. Be inspired by the showcase of projects Tech Know Quilter members have been doing. January Apply What You Learned ChallengeTech Know Quilters is a membership of Electric Quilt 8 owners who are mastering Electric Quilt through online training. At the end of their January class, they were encouraged to apply what they learned during the month of January. Tech Know Quilters is open to new members only a few times a year. You can sign up for the wait list here and we will notify you of the next open enrollment period. I love having people at different stages of the EQ journey submitting designs. I am so proud of this group of quilt designers.
Dresden City or Town Quilt ChallengeThe Master's challenge for January was to design a Dresden city or town quilt. The inspiration for this challenge came from the a pattern by Persimmon Dreams (Kim Lapacek). Also check out her Pinterest page. The goal was not to copy her pattern, but to create a circular quilt comprised of homes in your real or imaginary town. Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024