One thing I hear over and over again is -- I didn't know you could do "that" using Electric Quilt 8. One thing that holds us back from truly using Electric Quilt 8 is just not understanding that this versatile software can help you create any type of quilt. In this blog post, be inspired by the quilts created by Tech Know Quilter members using Electric Quilt 8. Month End ChallengeEach month I challenge those in Tech Know Quilters to apply what they learned during the last month. They can share a project from a lesson or an original design applying the concepts they have been learning in Tech Know Quilters. Tech Know Quilters is a membership program focused on mastery of Electric Quilt 8. We have members at all stages of their Electric Quilt journey. If you would like to join this amazing group of quilters, you can sign up for the wait list here. Julie Pedersen I did the Masters Complex Pieced Animals class this month. I learned a lot and decided to submit this design that I plan on making over Christmas break for a lady at school. The photo is her son who died this year. It will be applique which uses the same tracing techniques as I learned in class. I played with colors and couldn't get the shading color right, but I will do better with the fabrics when I make it. His favorite color was blue hence the border and background colors. Zdenka Nemethova In November I also worked on this quilt. I found in TKQ archive how to work with a panel in EQ 8, added 5 inch piano autoborder (in Christmas colors) with paper pieced little birds in the corners. Still not finished (last border Is missing) but we had snow today (for the first time this winter) and I couldn't resist to make this winter photo Sabertooth TigersIn November, Masters members honed their paper piecing drafting skills. Dorothee Ilgner, a Tech Know Quilter member completed a sabertooth tiger foundation friendly block which was inspired from a photo. Members learned from her design as they enhanced their own skills. Here is Dorothee's original Sabertooth Tiger quilt. Tech Know Quilters Masters ChallengeWithin Tech Know Quilters Masters, there is an opportunity for those who have completed twelve or more months of Tech Know Quilters to join this more advanced program where we focus on support for those applying their EQ8 skills to their own projects. Each month members are encouraged to create an original design around a specific topic. The Master's challenge in November was to create a quilt inspired by a favorite childhood book. Four members rose to the challenge.
Maureen Pinwill
1/8/2022 09:09:02 am
Loved looking at what your students have been up to. Happy New Year to you all.
1/9/2022 08:34:26 am
THANK YOU! Loved the virtual show! I certainly have a long road to go to acquire EQ skills, and this show provides such an inspiration (and nice “nudges”)! Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024