Have you joined the Free EQ8 Spring Fever Mystery? We are two videos into the mystery and there are some awesome blocks being created by participants. More on that below.
As subscribers to the mystery draft their own blocks they are commenting that "it is getting easier", "it is reinforcing the method in my brain" and "loving this". It has been so fun to see the collection of blocks being posted on Facebook.
Would you like to join in the fun and gain confidence so that EQ can become easier for you? Or maybe just use the mystery as a chance to reinforce those EQ concepts in your brain?
Since I am focused this week on helping readers create piecing friendly blocks, I thought I would share a bonus design.
Learn how to create an Easter Egg foundation block and then use Serendipity to merge the block with other blocks to create one of a kind spring Easter eggs. Here are a few of my Easter egg blocks. Wouldn't you like to hunt for eggs with these quilt blocks on them?
I used a few of the blocks from my Tech Know Quilter's Kaleidoscope and Tech Know Quilter's Medallion classes in my blocks. You can learn more about Tech Know Quilters and sign up for the wait list here. Hint: There just may be a flash sale for those on the wait list later this month.
Spring Fever Mystery Update
We are two videos into the Spring Fever Mystery and I've enjoyed seeing some of the early blocks. Here are a few that were shared on social media. You can check out more of their designs in the Learning EQ Facebook group.
After joining you will receive an email on an opportunity to super-size your experience. One of the benefits of the VIP Experience is full foundation patterns (including cutting charts) for each of the foundation blocks in the mystery.
The first bonus video for the VIP Experience group is tips on foundation piecing (along with my favorite tools and techniques using those tools). The second bonus video for the VIP Experience group will be on adding applique to a foundation pieced block in EQ. That VIP session is scheduled for next Tuesday. 3/13/2021 10:47:35 am
Hi Kari, Great tutorial on the Easter Egg block. My question is, can this be done as a pieced block in the center? I'm new to creating foundation blocks and though I followed your instructions and everything LOOKS good, when I go to print and export, foundation, it gives me what appears to be pieced templates? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!!
Kari Schell
3/14/2021 12:41:28 am
You could do a pieced block in the center. The options provided by EQ, depend on the actual block designed. If they consider the patches rotary cutting friendly, you can print those out. For foundation piecing, you may need to select I want to section and number myself. And EQ will always provide template options for any block.
Susanne Kanngießer
3/14/2021 05:05:35 am
Wonderful tutorial - I love it!
3/17/2021 09:57:18 am
I’m trying to download the Easter egg on my Mac and it will only show as a page source or web archive. Which won’t open in EQ 8
Kari Schell
3/17/2021 02:36:02 pm
Try right clicking and see what your options are. They can be different depending on the browser.
3/18/2021 03:08:15 am
There is no right click function on a Mac
Kari Schell
3/18/2021 09:52:18 am
Here are instructions for right clicking on a mac https://www.google.com/search?q=right+click+on+a+mac&rlz=1C1GTPM_enUS926US926&oq=right+click+on+a+m&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l8.4015j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
3/17/2021 02:10:17 pm
Kari, when trying to insert circle block. It goes into the left opening and not in the center. Not sure what or how I did that. Can you help me move it to the center? Thanks
Kari Schell
3/17/2021 02:37:53 pm
This question was raised during the VIP help session yesterday. What we found was the block in the center was not drawn with snap to grid (which meant the lines for the center block were not perfectly horizontal and vertical or something shifted slightly during the drafting process). Once we redrew the lines with snap to grid, it worked just fine.
3/18/2021 08:01:37 am
Thanks Kari will check out the help session and then redo mine Egg. Thanks again. Judy
3/19/2021 02:43:41 am
Thank you xx Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
August 2024