Wow. Not sure how everything that I have been working on the past six months seems to come together all at once. There is a lot to report on this week:
New Class with Electric Quilt University
This is a 2-week course complete with illustrated, printable lessons and videos covering every step. The videos are posted throughout the lessons so you can read first, then watch the video, or vice versa. You can stream them right away, or download each video to your computer to watch later. Octagon Table Toppers is one course in the Small Quilts with a Twist series. I will help you create master templates for unique quilt styles to use over and over again. While this class is only 2 weeks long, the lessons are jam-packed with amazing content. Here are a few of the quilts covered in the class. Introduction to Applique - An Electric Quilt Video TutorialWhen I went through the comments from a couple of weeks ago, it appears there was a tie for the block chosen for this weeks video. The two winning blocks are highlighted in the photo below. I decided to go ahead with the 2nd block on row 3 as it allows me to cover some of the basics of drafting applique blocks in Electric Quilt. I will save the other block (which covers a couple of different tools) for a future video. In this weeks Electric Quilt video tutorial, I start by sharing how to take a screen shot of the block using the Windows Snipping Tool (for the Window Users out there). On the MAC, you select Command+Shift+4 for the equivalent of this. I then discuss using the Bezier curve to draft the shapes. (For those of you that use Art and Stitch, the Bezier curve works quite a bit differently between the programs.) I then review editing the shapes. HINT: The goal in drafting applique is to minimize the number of nodes. My finished (i.e. drafted) block. Love your Electric Quilt Private Coaching ProgramI know that you may be ready to make the commitment to expand your knowledge and use of Electric Quilt. I have openings in my schedule starting in January and will be taking on a limited number of private coaching clients to work with in expanding your Electric Quilt technical skills. The program will be formally released next week at Fall Quilt Market -- but I wanted to give my loyal blog readers and newsletter subscribers first shot at obtaining one of these limited number of spaces, including some Early Bird discounts if you sign up by October 31st. Read more about the program here. Let's Go Fly a KiteJust released -- my Let's Go Fly a Kite pattern. This pattern has 20 pages -- so it chocked full of illustrations. You can choose to use the Studio 180 Design tools (which I love) or not. Either way the pattern will provide lots of information on how to piece this quilt. Purchase a physical copy of the pattern (mailed to you) here. Purchase a digital copy of the pattern here. Let's Go Fly a Kite Stacking Pop-UpI've also partnered with my friend and fellow designer Joanne Harrision Hillestad of Fat Quarter Gypsy to offer a free supplemental sheet that will provide instructions on using my kites with her medium size pop-up. Her Pop-Up pattern is incredibly popular. And they are so fun to make. I'll share more with you (and maybe a video demo of the pop-up in action) on a future blog post. Click on a copy of the photo below to get the free supplemental instruction sheet. Happy quilting.
Kari Sign up for my newsletter to stay current on what's happening in my studio and learn more quilting tips. As a thank you, I'll send you a FREE pattern for this small maple leaf quilt.
10/17/2015 10:05:41 am
10/18/2015 07:08:58 am
Hi Kari, another great video, thank you, especially as you have so many projects! Unfortunately for me EQ people have decided that because I am from UK (eu) they will no longer accept me as a customer to download class or download products, really disappointing as I only got as far as first class on EQ university before they changed their rules. However craftsy, in fact everywhere else in USA is still open to me. So I can't buy your new product. I hope to still see eq information on your blog, I think your instruction s are so clear, so good luck with your private tuition. For me, my budget can't stretch that far, but I'm sure anyone taking it up will learn lots through your tuition. Happy sewing 😊
10/18/2015 12:31:35 pm
MY plans are to keep doing the free videos on my website. The classes and coaching are for those that are interested in a bit more. 10/29/2015 08:22:41 am
Lot of questions in my mind regarding What Is Chenille and its solutions. Your detailed analysis answers my all queries. In future it really helps me out. Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024