Tech Know Quilters Open Enrollment![]()
We are currently in the midst of a very limited open enrollment for Tech Know Quilters and will be welcoming an awesome group of new members into our community next week.
Are you curious what Tech Know Quilters is all about? Check out this live webinar where I shared more about the group, shared stories and testimonials from current members, and fielded questions from attendees. You are welcome to watch the replay here. Registration is only open through Monday, September 28, 2020. Cabin in the Woods
Last weekend, I enjoyed a quilting get together with a small group of friends in northern MN. The weather was perfect and the leaves were beginning to turn. The time away, along with the idyllic setting, inspired me to create my Cabin in the Woods quilt.
In this free tutorial I will share how to draft the cabin block in EQ8. I gave myself a rule -- only squares, rectangles and triangle pieces with 45 degree angles. I want to be able to piece this without using too much brain power.
Here is the block from the video.
I've pulled some fabrics to work on this quilt. I love a scrappy quilt -- and all of these fabrics came from my stash. There are four cabins planned for my future quilt.
Tech Know Quilter Members Apply What they Learned in August
Tech Know Quilters is a membership of Electric Quilt 8 owners who are mastering Electric Quilt through online training. At the end of their August class, they were encouraged to apply what they learned during the month of August.
Tech Know Quilters is open to new members only a few times a year. You can learn more and enroll through Monday, September 28, 2020 I love having people at different stages of the EQ journey submitting designs. I am so proud of this group of quilt designers. Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024