Catch the Waves Free Challenge for Electric Quilt 7 Newbies
Note that this is only for EQ7. It will not work with EQ8.
Instead I recommend Shoot for the Stars with EQ8 if you are currently using EQ8.
In talking to people in my classes and online, one thing I hear is "I haven't really learned how to use my EQ software". Or a variation on the theme -- "I haven't used my software in (insert number) of months (or even years)". or -- "I've tried the software, but it wasn't intuitive".
Can you relate?
There are lots of classes and aides to learning the program. I offer a number of them through my website and through Electric Quilt University. But sometimes it is hard to find the time to just get started.
Could you commit to just 10 minutes a day to learn the basics of Electric Quilt? What if I offer it to you for free?
Note: This challenge is designed for beginners and those that have not used Electric Quilt for an extended period of time. My goal is to encourage users to learn the basics so they are comfortable starting to design on their own.
Can you relate?
There are lots of classes and aides to learning the program. I offer a number of them through my website and through Electric Quilt University. But sometimes it is hard to find the time to just get started.
Could you commit to just 10 minutes a day to learn the basics of Electric Quilt? What if I offer it to you for free?
Note: This challenge is designed for beginners and those that have not used Electric Quilt for an extended period of time. My goal is to encourage users to learn the basics so they are comfortable starting to design on their own.
Class Structure
- Sign Up for the challenge, using the link below. (Note that you will also be enrolled in On Point Quilter's weekly newsletter.)
- Once you sign up, a daily e-mail will be sent to your inbox.
- The daily e-mail will provide you with a link to a short video (most are under 5 minutes) you can watch online. The video will provide you with step by step instructions to draft some part of a mystery Electric Quilt project.
- Your challenge is to watch the video and complete the tasks within Electric Quilt
- The class will be done in a mystery format. You must complete all the steps to solve the Electric Quilt mystery.
- At the end of 14 days you will have designed a number of blocks (using each of the block drawing types) and a quilt that incorporates these blocks. The theme is Catch the Waves.
- The most significant benefit is that you will now be on track to being a regular user of the program -- just like you promised yourself.
- If you have questions as you work through the challenge, feel free to post them on my Facebook business page. Or if you are a member of Learning Electric Quilt including EQ7 and EQ Stitch Facebook group, you may post your questions there -- as the group is focused on learning all things related to EQ. If you are an EQ user (or future user) you are also welcome to join this group.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What level is this class targeted toward? Newbie/Beginner. Just install Electric Quilt software on your computer and register it and you are good to participate.
Are there any pre-requisites for the class? You should be familiar with your computer or have access to someone that can help with basic computer questions.
Does it matter if I am on a MAC versus PC? No Electric Quilt looks essentially the same for both PC and MAC users. Both should be able to successfully complete the project using the instructions in the videos.
What if I have EQ6? I believe all the functionality for what is presented in the videos is available in EQ6. However, your computer screens will look different than what is shown on the videos.
What if I have EQ Stitch? No problem. We won't be working in the stitch portion of the program -- but you will learn about the other aspects of Electric Quilt.
What if I have EQ Mini? This challenge is not targeted for EQ Mini Users. However, if you are thinking of purchasing EQ7 or EQ Stitch this challenge will assist you in seeing some of the benefits of upgrading.
How will I access the videos? The daily e-mails will contain links to the videos plus any added instructions for completing that day's challenge.
What if I didn't receive one of the e-mails? Most of the time these may be located in spam or junk folders. First check there. To minimize the potential issues. add [email protected] to your address book. If that doesn't work, please e-mail me so I can help research the problem.
What level is this class targeted toward? Newbie/Beginner. Just install Electric Quilt software on your computer and register it and you are good to participate.
Are there any pre-requisites for the class? You should be familiar with your computer or have access to someone that can help with basic computer questions.
Does it matter if I am on a MAC versus PC? No Electric Quilt looks essentially the same for both PC and MAC users. Both should be able to successfully complete the project using the instructions in the videos.
What if I have EQ6? I believe all the functionality for what is presented in the videos is available in EQ6. However, your computer screens will look different than what is shown on the videos.
What if I have EQ Stitch? No problem. We won't be working in the stitch portion of the program -- but you will learn about the other aspects of Electric Quilt.
What if I have EQ Mini? This challenge is not targeted for EQ Mini Users. However, if you are thinking of purchasing EQ7 or EQ Stitch this challenge will assist you in seeing some of the benefits of upgrading.
How will I access the videos? The daily e-mails will contain links to the videos plus any added instructions for completing that day's challenge.
What if I didn't receive one of the e-mails? Most of the time these may be located in spam or junk folders. First check there. To minimize the potential issues. add [email protected] to your address book. If that doesn't work, please e-mail me so I can help research the problem.