Tech Know Quilters - Introduction to Applique in EQ8
The technique of appliqué goes back as far as sewing does when people began using other bits of cloth to cover up holes in clothing items. Appliqué derives from the word appliquer which means to cover or put on.
Applique is often viewed as the hardest elements to master in Electric Quilt. During this series, I will break down the tools into bite size pieces to make this very doable no matter your current skill level in EQ. Although we won’t cover any complex blocks during the class, the skills will allow you to break a more complex pattern into smaller elements and successful draft any applique block.
Note: This purchase entitles you to the Introduction to Applique series of Tech Know Quilters. If you would prefer to join the monthly membership program for $47 per month, click here to be placed on the waiting list for the next open enrollment period.
Access to purchased videos will be available for at least 12 months after purchase.
The stand-alone class does not include access to the private Facebook group for TKQ members, nor the monthly help sessions. These benefits are available only in the membership.
Lesson 1: Star Flower (Precision tool bar and Line tool)
Lesson 2: Flower and Vine Blocks – Modifying a Block from the Library (Pick tool)
Lesson 3: Octagon and Hexagon Flowers (Shapes tool)
Lesson 4: Octagon Rose (Edit tool)
Lesson 5: Leaf Flower (Bezier and Freehand tools)
Lesson 6: WreathMaker
Lesson 7: Overlapping Heart Flower
Lesson 8: Eleanor’s Applique Quilt
Lesson 9: Flower Basket
Lesson 10: Pac-Man Tulip
Lesson 11: Freehand Meander Design plus Quilt
Lesson 12: Bonus: Pattern Design - Print and Export Instructions Part 2