Leaves in my part of the country are just starting to turn. It seems to be a bit later than normal. Since there are no leaves to rake this weekend, I thought I would design a new quilt with an abundance of fall color.
Using Electric Quilt 8 -- of course! Autumn Cabin in the Woods EQ8 Tutorial
Thought Process When Starting my Block
This quilt block was designed to be foundation piecing friendly. When designing the quilt, I set a rule for myself -- all lines that I drew had to snap to a horizontal and vertical snap points. I arbitrarily set the block size at 20" x 20" and I set the snaps horizontal and vertical at 40 x 40. As I work through each section, I am thinking -- is there a better way to draft the block to reduce the number of sections. If I discover one, I will go back and modify my design.
Drafting the Cabin
Drafting the Background (Riotous Fall Colors)
I then decided to add some long tree trunks along with a few branches on the left and right sides of the cabin. I needed something to produce all that fall color.
Then I was ready for the real fun. Adding horizontal vertical and diagonal lines to fill in the color.
For the space under the cabin, I decided to create three rows. I set a goal that each row needed to be just one foundation.
I also decided that there needed to be a path starting at the bottom of the door and extending to the bottom of the block.
If you would prefer to trace my block, feel free to download my finished block to your computer. Upload it into EQ and trace the design.
Drafting the Quilt
The quilt itself is super basic. Style: Horizontal Three Borders
Color the quilt with some slightly muted fall fabric colors -- tans, browns with a splash of orange.
Watch the video to see my complete drafting process.
Feel free to draft the cabin in the woods -- either using my design or consider modifying to personalize the design.
I would love to see pictures. Feel free to post in the Learning EQ8 Facebook group. I've set up a dedicated post.
Creating the Foundation Pattern
Electric Quilt will usually provide us a recommended sectioning and numbering for our foundations for the block.
Unfortunately EQ decided not to play nice with my design. EQ decided my block was not foundation friendly. I disagree with the program -- but fortunately EQ has an option to section and number any foundation pattern yourself. Since I was contemplating the sections while drafting the block -- it was pretty easy to tell EQ how I wanted to break it into sections. If you would like to try this exercise, use my block for tracing (shown above) and a marker. Draw lines around each section. Then see how your sectioning compares to mine below.
How did you do?
Louise Macdonald
10/12/2024 03:25:19 pm
Hi Kari I just love your foundation pieced cabin block! I can't wait to give it a go. Love your colours too!
Marie-Christine Berger
10/15/2024 10:02:59 am
Hi Kari, Thanks for this lovely block. The colors are gorgeous. Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024