When I think of Labor Day, I think of picnics, barbeques, and a last trip to celebrate the end of summer.
Or that it is back to school time for many. I found it fascinating to learn a little bit more about origin of Labor Day in the US.
According to the Department of Labor, Labor Day is observed the first Monday in September. Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.
When doing a search for Labor Day quilts, I couldn't find any -- so I decided to design one of my own. Using Electric Quilt 8 (of course). For the quilt I decided to include a five pointed applique star decorated with "flag fabrics" as recognition that this is a federal holiday in the US. I also decided to include a variety of tools -- as they represent items used by many of the early workers in the US. Fortunately, I found blocks that would work in the EQ8 Library under Foundation Pieced>Tools.
For coloring the blocks and quilt, I used:
Learn how to draft the block and quilt in this video.
Here is my final quilt.
Pick a text that is available on your computer (and is available in your drop down under the EQ Typeface options). I used a font called Permanent Marker. I am not sure of the source, but I liked the more casual look and feel for this quilt.
Of course this star would not need to be just for Labor Day. I would love to see what you choose to do with it.
I've set up a post in the Learning EQ Facebook group, where you can share pictures of your quilt(s). Comments are closed.
Kari SchellElectric Quilt Expert and Educator and Pattern Designer. Categories
December 2024